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YouTube Stars Slammed for Resurfaced Video of Them Canceling Adoption Because They Couldn’t Post About Babyon May 20, 2021 at 8:32 pm

Nikki and Dan Phillippi had recently been under fire for euthanizing their family dog after he bit their son.

A YouTube star couple found themselves under fire once again after a video resurfaced of them claiming they halted an adoption due to social media restrictions.

Earlier this month, Nikki and Dan Phillippi were slammed for announcing they euthanized their family dog after he bit their toddler son, Logan.

In the May 2018 clip making the rounds on social media recently, the pair said they decided to stop the adoption process after discovering the agency they were working with in Thailand temporarily banned new parents from posting any content involving the baby.

“After you pick up your child, they are your child, but you are not allowed to talk about them or share any images, photos, videos, anything about them online for a year,” Nikki explained.

Dan jumped in, saying, “And that — I mean, Nikki’s got a YouTube channel and we share a whole lot.”

“When that hit we literally were like, ‘What?'” Nikki continued. “So we were like going round the houses trying to figure out how this could work, like, ‘Hashtag baby blur face’? What are we gonna do? Dan’s like, ‘Maybe we could deal with that for a year?'”

The couple said they decided to pray on it and see how they were feeling in the morning after Dan pointed out the adoption would not be legalized until a year after the baby was brought home.

“So you know, the kid’s gonna be living in our house for a year and it’s not — that whole time — not our kid, so we’re not okay with that either,” he explained.

Nikki was also concerned the couple might share content of the baby by accident.

“I almost Snapchatted while I was signing an NDA once!” she said. “I’m gonna totally mess this up! And then I’ll ruin it for other families!”

In a last ditch effort, Nikki said the agency asked if the Thai government would make an exception for the YouTube stars, but the request was denied.

Months later, the pair attempted to adopt again, this time from South Korea, only to discover they would be held to the same social media restrictions. Eventually, they welcomed their biological child, Logan.

After the adoption video found new life on Reddit and Twitter — perhaps due to the attention from the dog euthanizing clip — critics began slamming the couple online.

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