Actress Who Interviewed to Nanny for Scientologist Family Shares Job Description, and Yikeson May 7, 2021 at 4:53 pm
For $13 an hour.
If you think your job is bad, spare a thought for the poor sod who ended up working here.
Actress Hollis Jane Andrews shared a job description for a nanny job she applied for back in 2013… and yikes.
The two page document listed all the requirements for a “Magical Nanny/Housekeeper”, and quite frankly, one would need superpowered patience to even make it through reading the list of demands.
In 2013, I interviewed with an (unbeknownst to me at the time) Scientologist family to be their nanny. They gave this absolutely BONKERS list of responsibilities and now I give it to all of you.
— Hollis Jane Andrews (@hollis_jane) May 7, 2021
“In 2013, I interviewed with an (unbeknownst to me at the time) Scientologist family to be their nanny,” Andrews wrote. “They gave this absolutely BONKERS list of responsibilities and now I give it to all of you.”
The tweet quickly went viral, as Twitter got to work picking out their favorite from the oh-so-many red flags.
“The main focus is to ensure their basic rudiments* are kept in, so that they are not crying/upsetting the rest of the house,” the employer instructed (explaining in the footnotes that “rudiments” meant “sleep, food and watered”).
“If I am training I don’t want to hear crying or tantrums or headbutting,” they warned. “If they hurt themselves, keep quiet, apply Dianetics & assist tech always.”
“There is to be NO movies, whilst under your care, please turn you phone OFF whilst at work.”
What followed was a strictly regimented timetable of the children’s day, which included taking them for a two hour run at 9 AM. “Get them to run, throw rocks and RUN with them, don’t stop them running ever.”
“If they are crying and yelling, they are not happy and as a nanny you need to get them back happy again,” the assignment warned.
Approaching lunch, Twitter couldn’t decide if it was more offended by the fact the kids were forced to brush their teeth (again) beforehand, or that lunch consisted of “steak and ketchup”.
But the real fun started at NAP TIME, when the little angels slept with their protein bottles, from 12:45 to 1:30 PM.
“Whilst they are asleep you magically transform into a cleaning nazi,” the instructions read.
Thus followed a 14-point list of all the things she was expected to do in that 45 minutes, including, perhaps most disconcertingly of all, “empty out the stinking poo poo bin”, whatever that was.
“If you can master all of this, then we have a happy house,” it threatened.
Twitter users weren’t entirely convinced the job was looking after children, with many speculating Dash and Max were actually dogs, or perhaps even goats. Some prayed that they were cats, and that the stinking poo poo bin was in fact a litter tray.
But the single most offending aspect of the entire document appeared to the overuse — or indeed just use — of the word “whilst”.
I’m only one paragraph in. Very offended by use of whilst.
— Denise Massar (@denisemassar) May 7, 2021
Ketchup on steak??
— Evelyn Ortmann (@EOrtmann13) May 7, 2021
Brush their teeth before lunch?!?
— Kayleigh (@whowantssoup) May 7, 2021
I cannot work out how old these children are. Are they toddlers being fed protein drinks and steaks? why if they are older are they not at school and able to do their own teeth? IDK. Maybe they are just lazy teenagers.
— Jane watkins cook (@jmwatkinscook) May 7, 2021
They must be happy at all times. Throw rocks at them to make them run.
— Hopping Crow (@bluekayak1) May 7, 2021
I wasn’t sure they weren’t talking about a pair of Border Collies, except for the protein bottle thing.
— Kathy Blocksdorf (@kblocksdorf) May 7, 2021
I don’t know whether to comment on the the spelling/grammatical errors, the protein powder bottles, the never stop running, the insanity that their children must be laughing at all times or the keep quiet and apply Dianetics part but I am stressed out about literally all of it
— Mandie Marie (@mandiemarie19) May 7, 2021
A. 45 minutes to do all the cleaning listed
B. They evidently do not want to see or hear evidence of their child.— Charlotte (@ChanseCharlotte) May 7, 2021
Are these dogs or children?
— A_Andy (@andiswain) May 7, 2021
Fifteen minutes to get them out of the pool, fully bathed and dressed and their cooked lunch made and ready to eat. Do these people really live with their kids???
— If I Ruled The World (@IfIRldThe_World) May 7, 2021
I was in until the exciting cucumbers request
— Jennifer Baer (@jenniferbaer) May 7, 2021
The steak with ketchup really did it for me
— Libby QueSuhDude (@ques0) May 7, 2021
Why are we brushing their teeth again 15 min before lunch?
— Mo (@muppitz) May 7, 2021
WHEN DOES SHE DO THE COOKING????? This schedule is giving me a panic attack.
— Charlotte Mottram (@charliegirlgaze) May 7, 2021
Whilst I hated everything about this person, their over use of the word whilst angered me the most whilst reading it. #whilst
— Dan Rosenberg (@DanRosenberg3) May 7, 2021
I don’t think we’ve talked enough about the stinking poo poo bin tbh.
— ?????? (@annsmiley) May 7, 2021
Are they making these kids (and their caretaker) run with horses, play at the park, and swim before noon on a carb free diet???
— flag smasher – border hater (@loosedwoman) May 7, 2021
Are we throwing the rocks AT the children to keep them running ?
— Kuzco (@eeslake) May 7, 2021
I trying to comprehend how bath time is 15 minutes shorter than get dressed time.
— Michael J Haley (@oldmanhaleysays) May 7, 2021
If they’re eating eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast and steak or meatballs for lunch, why do they also need protein shakes before nap? I know that’s not the most pressing issue but like…are these toddlers Olympic weight lifters?
— Jennifer (@jenwith_1_n) May 7, 2021
Better still in the comments, Andrews revealed the wage for the position was… $13 per hour.
“Granted that was 8 years ago BUT STILL,” she wrote. “In case it wasn’t clear, I did NOT take the job the minute I saw the word ‘dianetics’.”
lmao it was $13/hr. Granted that was 8 years ago BUT STILL
— Hollis Jane Andrews (@hollis_jane) May 7, 2021
In case it wasn’t clear, I did NOT take the job the minute I saw the word “dianetics”
— Hollis Jane Andrews (@hollis_jane) May 7, 2021
For $13 an hour.
If you think your job is bad, spare a thought for the poor sod who ended up working here.
Actress Hollis Jane Andrews shared a job description for a nanny job she applied for back in 2013… and yikes.
The two page document listed all the requirements for a “Magical Nanny/Housekeeper”, and quite frankly, one would need superpowered patience to even make it through reading the list of demands.

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“In 2013, I interviewed with an (unbeknownst to me at the time) Scientologist family to be their nanny,” Andrews wrote. “They gave this absolutely BONKERS list of responsibilities and now I give it to all of you.”
The tweet quickly went viral, as Twitter got to work picking out their favorite from the oh-so-many red flags.
“The main focus is to ensure their basic rudiments* are kept in, so that they are not crying/upsetting the rest of the house,” the employer instructed (explaining in the footnotes that “rudiments” meant “sleep, food and watered”).
“If I am training I don’t want to hear crying or tantrums or headbutting,” they warned. “If they hurt themselves, keep quiet, apply Dianetics & assist tech always.”
“There is to be NO movies, whilst under your care, please turn you phone OFF whilst at work.”
What followed was a strictly regimented timetable of the children’s day, which included taking them for a two hour run at 9 AM. “Get them to run, throw rocks and RUN with them, don’t stop them running ever.”
“If they are crying and yelling, they are not happy and as a nanny you need to get them back happy again,” the assignment warned.

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Approaching lunch, Twitter couldn’t decide if it was more offended by the fact the kids were forced to brush their teeth (again) beforehand, or that lunch consisted of “steak and ketchup”.
But the real fun started at NAP TIME, when the little angels slept with their protein bottles, from 12:45 to 1:30 PM.
“Whilst they are asleep you magically transform into a cleaning nazi,” the instructions read.
Thus followed a 14-point list of all the things she was expected to do in that 45 minutes, including, perhaps most disconcertingly of all, “empty out the stinking poo poo bin”, whatever that was.
“If you can master all of this, then we have a happy house,” it threatened.
Twitter users weren’t entirely convinced the job was looking after children, with many speculating Dash and Max were actually dogs, or perhaps even goats. Some prayed that they were cats, and that the stinking poo poo bin was in fact a litter tray.
But the single most offending aspect of the entire document appeared to the overuse — or indeed just use — of the word “whilst”.
Better still in the comments, Andrews revealed the wage for the position was… $13 per hour.
“Granted that was 8 years ago BUT STILL,” she wrote. “In case it wasn’t clear, I did NOT take the job the minute I saw the word ‘dianetics’.”

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