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Pastor Greg Locke Holds Public Book Burning of ‘Demonic’ Works Like Harry Potter and Twilighttoofab.comon February 3, 2022 at 8:07 pm

A lot of Disney merch got purged, too.

A Tennessee pastor claimed to be saving countless souls on Wednesday night by burning such “demonic” works as Harry Potter and Twilight.

Global Vision Bible Church leader Greg Locke held a public book burning, that wasn’t just limited to books, but branded merchandise too.

In a 73-minute sermon posted to his Facebook page — which boasts 2.3million followers — he encouraged his congregation to bring any “occultist” material to purge, which would include at least one set of Disney Villains glassware, pack of four.

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“I ain’t messing with witches no more, I ain’t messing with witchcraft, I ain’t messing with demons, I call all of them out, in the name of Jesus Christ!” he fervently told the hundreds gathered, to rapturous cheers.

“We have a Constitutional right and a Biblical right to do what we’re going to do tonight. We have a burn permit, but even without one a church has a religious right to burn occultic materials that they deem are a threat to their religious rights and freedoms and belief system.”

Locke told the gathering Homeland Security, “I have no idea why, has decided to participate in our service tonight” (prompting one helpful worshiper in the crowd to suggest “they need salvation”).

“If they would get their lazy butts down to the border and participate where they’re supposed to be and protect this nation, and leave a church alone,” he exclaimed.

“Homeland security turning up to a church cause we gon’ have a burning – this country has lost its mind!” he declared. “This country’s buckwild crazy!”

He assured the crowd not to be nervous, as he had attained a burn permit. He even offered to write city authorities a blank check to cover any fines they might impose (although he promised to immediately sue to get the money back).

After preaching for about an hour, spliced with some songs of praise, he led his followers outdoors, where they began tossing the materials into a massive bonfire, Disney and Harry Potter branded merchandise among them. One child can even be heard asking her mom if she can help throw the stuff in.

Pastor Locke had been encouraging his flock to gather the items all week on Facebook, according to Newsweek.

“Bring all your Harry Potter stuff. Laugh all you will haters. I don’t care. It’s witchcraft 100 percent,” he said.

“All your Twilight books and movies. That mess is full of spells, demonism, shape-shifting and occultism. Bring tarot cards, Ouija boards, healing crystals, idol statues, spell books and everything else tied to the occult. It’s got to go.”

“If you think we’re crazy, then scroll on. We’re exposing the Kingdom of Darkness for what it is. It’s time for people to be delivered.”

The book burning comes just days after a Tennessee School Board voted to ban Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Holocaust graphic novel Maus, because of the graphic language such as “God damn”, and the sole drawing of a topless woman.


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