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Denise Richards Grilled on Brandi Glanville Hookup, Calls RHOBH Cast ‘Mean’ and ‘Aggressive’toofab.comon February 11, 2022 at 10:19 pm

Denise also gives new insight into “Bravo, Bravo, f—ing Bravo” moment — while Brandi claims she’s “lying her ass off”.

It’s been nearly a year and a half since Denise Richards quit “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” after two seasons, but the Brandi Glanville drama surrounding her exit is still all anyone wants to talk about.

On Friday, the “Bold and the Beautiful” actress appeared on Jeff Lewis Live, where the radio host wasted no time getting into her “controversial” decision to leave the show.

Richards bowed out of the Bravo reality show shortly after Brandi claimed on camera that the two had sex, claims Denise denied the second they were brought to her attention during a cast trip to Rome. While Brandi has continued to allege the hookup did happen, Denise adamantly denied nearly every aspect of Glanville’s account.

“That’s not true. I never had a fling with her,” said Denise when Jeff brought it up on his SiriusXM show. “I was so caught off guard and a week later I was in Rome where I was told that news and I was obviously very surprised by it.”

Though Denise said she has “no idea” whether it was a storyline pushed by production, Richards said she found the scene in which Brandi told Kyle Richards and Teddi Mellencamp-Arroyave about the alleged affair suspicious. “They magically had a mic for her,” she said sarcastically.

Denise said she had only been introduced to Brandi once through an agent, before they briefly filmed together for the show.

According to Denise, Brandi did visit her in Northern California to interview her for her podcast — with Richards claiming Glanville actually “had a crush” on her costar and longtime friend Patrick Muldoon and hoped to speak with him as well. “He’s one of my best friends, so I was able to make that happen,” she added, denying Glanville stayed in her room. Denise also claimed two of her daughters and one of their friends was staying in the same room with her, because she didn’t trust them alone.

“I don’t wanna get into … I don’t want to give her this platform, that’s why,” she then said, as she tried to change the subject. “When all that went down, I didn’t want to give … it was so unbelievable to me. She wants it to be a thing, that’s why I didn’t want to …”

Lewis, however, said he knew “the whole story” and “100%” believed Denise’s side of it. He hoped that by asking her about it, she could sway those who doubted her.

“If people believe it, they’ll believe it. I don’t care,” said Denise. “I’ve had worse things said about me, really horrible things.”

“I don’t wanna really get into the whole thing with her. She wasn’t even filming with us. It was the weirdest thing and the weirdest storyline,” Denise continued. “But looking back at some of the things that were brought up prior to that, I don’t know if it was set up along the way.”

She also said that she’s “very open” when it comes to her sexuality — exclaiming, “If I f—ed her I would have said, ‘Yeah, I f—ed her, so what. Who gives a s—.'” Richards added, “Actually, it would have made an easier trip for me in Rome. I would say it, so what! But then there’s nothing to fight about.”

Brandi, however, was listening to the interview and went off on Denise again on Twitter.

“Denise Richards is on Jeff Louis‘s radio show lying her ass off right now,” she tweeted. “We had sex one time it was not a turn on for me I couldn’t get into it and it 1,000,000% happened.” She also said she’d be willing to take a lie detector test and is “not the only housewife she tried to have sex with.”

Richards also addressed some of her issues with her other former costars, saying she thought the threesome conversation during a pizza party she held for her family and friends — at which children were present — “was odd” and felt “set up.”

“It was in the beginning of the season and they kept bringing it up and they were making such an issue out of it,” said Denise, who was called a hypocrite for shutting down the conversation. Some of the women felt she was acting prudish, after being so open about her sex life her first season, while she simply didn’t want to talk about it with her children within earshot.

“The thing is, if you put a bunch of women together and you really start asking questions and getting to know each other, drama will come out of it. You don’t have to make s— up,” she continued.

She also took issue with being called out for leaving dinner parties early, saying “a lot of women leave the dinner table after a certain point” and it wasn’t something only she did. She explained that she would leave sometimes an hour or two into a dinner because they’d keep harping on the same issue in circles. “You’re like, ‘I have nothing else to say about this s—, you can either move on from it or not,” she added.

Though Denise said she had a good time the first season, she felt like she was “the target” of the other women at “every single dinner” from the start of Season 2.

“I told the women, ‘You guys gotta ease up because it’s not gonna look good for you girls. Why do you have to be so mean?'” she claimed. “They were very aggressive the whole season. It’s like they pick one person each season and go after them and that season, it was me.”

As for her infamous “Bravo, Bravo, f—ing Bravo moment” on the show, in which she yelled that statement into the camera in an attempt to get the network to not use the footage, she claimed more went down behind the scenes than viewers knew.

“When I sat down to that dinner, I was dealing with some stuff with my children and they started to go at me. This was before I heard what Teddi said about Brandi. Prior to that, they were already starting in,” she said. “I was like, ‘I can’t do another f—ing dinner dealing with this s—.’ I blurted out what I was dealing with and said, ‘Bravo, Bravo, f—ing Bravo,’ because I was told to do that from Kyle and Rinna — whether they want to admit it or not, I don’t care — that if you say something about your kids, to do that and Bravo won’t air it.”

“So at that dinner I said something I shouldn’t have about my family,” Denise continued, saying it was not in any way a response to anything the other women said, but because she had divulged something on camera about her kids she didn’t want out there.

“It was a very difficult season, from Day 1, because I felt like I couldn’t even be myself, I had surgery during the Season, I didn’t feel good, I was in pain a lot but I did show up,” she continued. “During those dinners I would leave, it was after a certain point … I think they wanted me to fight and I’m not gonna fight about certain things.”

Lastly, she also denied reports she landed a $4 million contract for the show.

“They don’t pay a lot of money, so I did not get $4 million,” she said, explaining that she only joined the show because she “thought it’d be fun” — and because of Lisa Rinna, “who I was friends with, not anymore.”

“I thought, this would be fun, she has a good time. My first season, I did, I did enjoy. That part was fun,” she added.


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