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Throwing Axes with Amit Fridman

Amit Fridman, the owner of Live Axe in Soho, is, fortunately for me, a very patient teacher. When I arrive for my interview with him, I already know, of course, that the bar is famous for allowing its patrons to throw axes at targets in between downing a beer or two. What I do not realize is that in addition to talking about the business success he has found in America, Amit is going to teach me how to throw an axe Viking-style.

“The key is in the grip,” he instructs, positioning my hands properly. “Also, while it’s very common for people to close their eyes, that actually works against you. You need to keep them open so you can keep an eye on the bullseye as you release the axe.”

Thankfully for me, the bar is completely empty since I am here outside of operating hours. I couldn’t bear it if there were any witnesses. I take a deep breath, say a prayer to anyone who is listening, and let my axe fly. Amit is tactful enough to not comment as he retrieves my axe from where it landed – two feet from the target. We both agree that we should leave axe-throwing to the professionals and concentrate on the interview itself.

While axe-throwing is not in my future, I am still impressed by the bar. “It must have taken a lot of effort to create something like this,” I offer, taking in the subterranean feel, the Viking theme, and the overall ambiance.

“Two years,” Amit confirms. “Before I could do that, however, I had to envision something completely different since New York City already had plenty of bars, obviously. I am into extreme sports and think axe-throwing is an absolute blast. I knew that by offering it, people would have a fun way to let loose some steam and unwind after a hard day at work. At the same time, I wanted the bar to be sleek and sophisticated, so that’s why all of this metropolitan, Viking decor was chosen. It’s been a hit with men and women both.”

I ask him why he thinks he has been successful with his bar during a time when the industry took such a hit due to COVID and the recession.

“First, it has been difficult at times,” Amit allows. “Of course it has – we opened in the middle of the pandemic, not ideal timing. However, I think our ability to keep going and to even thrive when other bars were hurting can be chalked up to several things: our uniqueness, the desire all people have to get out and have fun no matter what’s happening, and my mindset.”

Amit explains that he believes deeply in the law of attraction. “Basically, it goes like this: positive thoughts will result in positive outcomes in your life while negative thoughts will lead to negative results. I know which one I would rather have, don’t you?”

Starting Live Axe involved thinking realistically as well as remaining unfailingly positive. “The law of attraction is not wishful thinking,” he says. “I could not simply think positive thoughts about opening the bar. I had to instead envision the final goal, figure out the steps to take to get there, and believe that those steps could be accomplished. Everytime something went wrong – and it always does when you start a business – I had to get back on track and believe that my final goal, the bar, would be reached no matter what. And, it was – here I am today, sitting in one of the coolest bars in the city. That’s what the law of attraction has done for me.”

His latest endeavor, Amit reveals, is his popular online courses that teach people of all levels everything they need to know about cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, NFTs, smart contracts, and trading. “There are over 70 video lessons that teach users my unique strategies that will help them when the market is up and when it is down,” he says. “I am really excited about this because I have already used my fifteen years of trading experience and five years of crypto experience to help many friends and acquaintances in my circle to invest wisely. I’m happy that I am able to bring that knowledge to more people.”

As we wrap up our interview, I impulsively ask Amit to throw an axe for me, and he obliges. Standing outside one of the cages, I watch as he carefully lines up behind the line, grips the handle, and confidently throws the axe. The blade lands straight in the center, and Amit turns to me to smile and say, “See? I was right. The law of attraction always works.”

For more information on Amit Fridman, Live Axe, and Profitfi Academy, his online courses in cryptocurrency, NFTs, the blockchain, and investing, please see or