Meet Kenzie Burke, The Influencer Who Shares Her Tips On Eating Properly
A 23-year-old girl is bringing an ancient way of eating front and center in the 21st century. Kenzie Burke has plans to transform mainstream society’s relationship with food.
Kenzie Burke is asking young women across the country to look within and question the choices they are making, the daily habits they have and how they fuel their bodies. Kenzie Burke promotes a way of eating called food combining which is an ancient way of eating.
The practice of food combining stems from Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine originating from India. When foods with differing characteristics are eaten together, it’s said that toxins can form in the body, but that those same foods can be more easily digested when eaten separately.
How Kenzie promotes it: “The average person will consume 25 to 50 tons of food in his or her lifetime. This is a lot of food that will pass through our system which ultimately uses A LOT of energy. This is the energy your body is using just to aide digestion & if freed up could be used in other areas. Energy is a key factor in our ability to shed weight easily & permanently. Energy regenerates our liver & tissue cells, removes toxic waste from the body, maintains our ideal weight, keeps our skin healthy, hair vibrant, & the list goes on. The more energy we have, the better we look and feel and when you feel good on the inside it radiates on the outside.”
Kenzie has her best selling 21 day reset where the foundation is the food you eat and teaching others how to be mindful of their food combinations. Kenzie is standing tall– front and centered, making waves worldwide and creating a large movement!