dClass “Decentralized Classified Ads” on Binance Smart Chain Disrupts Classified Giants
dClass’s vision is to enable privacy-driven ecommerce across the world. They aim to bring decentralization to classified ads. They’re building the foundation of the future’s way of doing business.
With dClass, you can buy or sell goods and services across the world and can communicate freely without censorship or fear. The overall impact of classified ads in terms of business across its users is more than $300b+. They aim to become one of the top classified websites in terms of traffic across the globe.
Their marketing strategies involve partnering with leading marketing firms and agencies’ projects to bring us around 2 million monthly visitors. Some of them will be driven by the community’s involvement with the marketplace token: DCLASS. This number is expected to grow 5 times in the next 3 years.
As a seller, you’ll be in full control of how you’ll like to dictate the terms of your business. You’ll be able to receive payments in BUSD, BNB, and DCLASS. The cost to place an ad is nothing – you’re only required to hold a certain number of tokens to be eligible to create an ad. This number will be initially determined by them and will be changed through the governance platform.
As a buyer, they aim to protect your privacy and anonymity. You’ll be able to buy goods and services in BUSD, BNB and DCLASS. There is no cost of doing business through our platform. The platform transaction fee is charged to the seller. The fee will be initially determined by them and will be changed through the governance platform.
The funds of any order placed through dClass will be held in escrow until both parties agree to fulfillment of the goods or services. In cases of dispute, the arbitrator will have the ability to vote in favor of either the buyer or the seller, and the funds will be withdrawn from escrow to that party. Any bad intentions of an arbitrator can be managed through governance.
Any business that involves a buyer and seller always faces a chance of dispute. Resolving disputes in a decentralized platform is difficult; thus, they’ve come up with arbitrators. Arbitrators will be individuals elected and unelected through governance platforms. These individuals will be rewards in DCLASS tokens for their service.
The platform will charge fees to feature the seller’s ad. This revenue will be used to buy-back and burn tokens. Some of these funds initially will also be used for development.
The platform will charge fees to order transactions placed through it. This revenue will also be used to buy-back and burn tokens. Some of these funds initially will also be used for development.
For more information, please visit: https://dclass.io/.
Social Links:
Medium: https://dclass.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/d_Classio
Telegram: https://t.me/dclass_io
Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/dclassio/