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All posts by The Kerplunk

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Christian Baker Wants to Remake Your Marketing

There is a long-standing illusion that if you’re a big company and have a great product or service, it will sell itself. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you take a look at the world’s greatest products, from Apple products to Coca-Cola products

FireStarter Projects — Welcome to the Metaverse

Nicky Diamonds, Known Gallery, ComplexCon and more… FireStarter is incubating eight projects with the hopes of launching all of them by December. $FLAME Token holders, along with Hiro NFT holders, will be granted tiered access to project IMO’s through the platform. Below, you’ll find a brief

FireStarter Projects — Welcome to the Metaverse

Nicky Diamonds, Known Gallery, ComplexCon and more… FireStarter is incubating eight projects with the hopes of launching all of them by December. $FLAME Token holders, along with Hiro NFT holders, will be granted tiered access to project IMO’s through the platform. Below, you’ll find a brief

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DevTeam.Space Positioned for the Rise in Remote Software Tools

Even before lockdown orders went into effect amidst the pandemic, the remote software development industry was rapidly growing. More and more companies were hiring remote developers to build their products – from individual freelance software developers to whole teams.  Alexey Semeney, Founder and CEO of