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All posts by The Kerplunk

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Byron Johnson – Five Tips for New Business Owners

This pandemic resulted in the closure of multi-million dollar companies and displaced thousands of employees all throughout the world. People turned to what they think is the smartest way to put food on the table – opening their own businesses. “Not everyone is a natural-born

Tapestry Girls: Bringing Beauty to Life

Tapestry Girls: Bringing Beauty to Life Nothing says, “I’m bringing summer back!” like a Summer Flower Tapestry from Tapestry Girls. It’s beautiful sunflower designs, yellow petals and clean white background make this tapestry a must-have for any girl that has an affinity for this charming

Weaving a Tapestry

A tapestry, by definition, is a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering. Tapestry Girls, a tapestry distributor, offers a variety of designs, on