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Category Archives: Business

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Want to Quit your 9-5? Try Ecommerce

Since a number of people are still working from home, there is an aspect of work/life balance that is already struggling to be maintained. You might hate your job and want to do something else. If this sounds like you, Michael Elliott of EJM Media

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Immortalize Your Children’s Art with Drawnies  

Every parent knows that children grow up fast – too fast. Those priceless, fleeting moments that make life worth living can come and go, and suddenly, a child went from age three to five in the blink of an eye. It all happens with so

ExtentWorld: Fixing the Problems Found in Social Media

For social media users who are concerned about the lack of privacy they face with major platforms, ExtentWorld is a good option to try out. In 2020, the site was co-founded by Hang Dinh, who worked with three other senior software engineers, including her brother,

Anmol Dhalla of Genzup is Leading Gen Z Marketing Efforts

For many businesses and marketers, Generation Z is a challenge to understand; they don’t know how to research this demographic or tailor their marketing efforts to them. Anmol Dhalla is changing that through his firm Genzup. As Anmol is a part of Gen Z, he