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Category Archives: Business

Rush Limbaugh reveals that he has lung cancer

Rush Limbaugh’s radio show went somewhere unexpected on Monday. The conservative — and often controversial — political commentator revealed on Monday’s episode of The Rush Limbaugh Show that he has been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer. He said he had dreaded delivering the news. “I can’t help

Larry King Speaks About His Stroke

It’s been nearly nine months since Larry King suffered a near-fatal stroke, but these days, the legendary TV host is feeling better by the day — and grateful to be alive. “It’s been a rough year,” King, 86, who had the stroke in May, just weeks after heart

Vanessa Bryant posts tribute to late husband Kobe Bryant

Vanessa added, “Miss you saying, ‘Bonjourno principessa/reina.’” She also shared a video interview with ExtraTV featuring her late husband answering rapid-fire questions about his life, including Kobe saying that his best friend is “my wife” and that his daughters call him “Daddy.” On January 26,

Layne Schmerin and Jonathan Lepow on The Future of Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. We are now living in a period in which advertising

The Land O’Lakes CEO States That Rural America is the new inner city

While the urban world is talking about the power and promise of 5G, much of rural America is still having trouble getting online. This week, the Federal Communications Commission approved a $20.4 billion program that could give six million rural homes and businesses access to high-speed broadband. FCC Chairman