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Category Archives: Music

Gene Simmons Stresses Why Everyone Must Pay Attention to Antisemitism

My name is Gene Simmons.  I’m Jewish. My mother, Flora, was 14 years of age when she was in the concentration campsof Nazi Germany.  Hate, which knows no boundaries, happened on a scale humanity could never imagine during World War II … to Jews, Catholics,

Daniel Kaluuya, Nida Manzoor Among British Independent Film Awards New Talent Longlists

“The Kitchen” co-director and co-writer Daniel Kaluuya and “Polite Society” writer-director Nida Manzoor are among the emerging talents recognized at the British Independent Film Awards’ (BIFA) New Talent categories. Both have been longlisted twice, in the debut director and debut screenwriter categories. In all, 20 fiction

What If Jews Controlled (Better Representation In) Hollywood?

There was once a treacherous year in the spread of Jewish libels. Not surprisingly, violence against Jews rose during this time. There were depictions of Jews with enlarged noses and horns, bloodthirsty baby-killing Jews, Jews who dipped their enemies into molten gold, Jews depicted as

Jews in Hollywood Need to Get Comfortable With Their Jewishness

Szmuel Gelbfisz. Lazar Meir. Hirsz Mojżesz Wonsal. Or as you know their instantly recognizable Americanized surnames as ones of the ment who built Hollywood: Samuel Goldwyn. Louis B. Mayer. Harry Warner. Hollywood was created by Jews who strove to fit into a non-Jewish-shaped box. Jews

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