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Category Archives: Entertainment

Nathan Menard: New Talent on the Music Scene

Musical artist and producer Nathan Menard is a romantic in every sense of the word. “I create music that leaves you changed, invites you to dream again, and moves you to dance,” he says, drumming his fingers as we talk. Just from listening to him,

Actor and Filmmaker, Zane Hubbard is Making an Impact

Zane Hubbard is an actor, filmmaker, advocate, and storyteller. Starting out as an actor in college, he began in plays. He later became a background actor and was later featured in Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. His passion, however, lies more in the aspect of storytelling.

Asian Canadian Actor Chase Tang Has Troubles Too

Chase Tang is a man who seems to have it all. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, his family soon moved to Canada, where he grew up. After finding success in the world of business, he left it behind to pursue fitness, acting, and modeling. Becoming even

New Wave Synth Pop Artist Daniel Lately Drops New Single

Challenging the status quo, Daniel Lately with Connecticut based producer Roman Putnam and Milwaukee director Dominic Panico are shaking up the indie music scene with a new wave of 80’s synth pop and new age pop to create a unique visual and audio storytelling experience.