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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Ishan Shivanand and YOI Free Your Mind From Toxic Thoughts

Ishan Shivanand, a monk from India who founded Yoga Of Immortals (YOI), has spent over six years traveling the world to bring the healing power of a 5,000-year-old tradition to hurting people. “I have had the pleasure of teaching YOI to all kinds of people,”

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Dr. Scottsdale® is All About the Client

Permanently changing your body is not something to be taken lightly. We see examples of celebrities who became overly obsessive about their bodies and have done changes to themselves that defy explanation. In many ways the human body is like a piece of paper: once

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Home Family Care Genuinely Cares

As a society it’s most important to protect those who need our help. Those who are elderly and in need of care, and who usually have given much of their lives to care for us and serve us when they were younger, deserve attention, respect,