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Category Archives: Technology

A Day One Patch For Final Fantasy 16 Is Not Currently Planned

Since the PlayStation 3 generation, updates released on a game’s launch day, colloquially known as Day One patches or updates, have been the norm. Sometimes they’re small, squashing a few last-minute bugs, but other times, they’re massive and nigh essential to enjoying the adventure before

Final Fantasy 16: There Are Currently No Plans For DLC

One of the more interesting facets of interviewing various members of Creative Business Unit III, the studio behind the development of Final Fantasy XVI, during this cover story trip, was hearing about the differences between developing an MMO in Final Fantasy XIV and a new

Don’t Expect The PC Version Of Final Fantasy 16 Anytime Soon

Since the reveal of Final Fantasy XVI, players have asked about a potential PC version of the game, especially given that the PlayStation 5-exclusivity reveal came with a six-month window. Some potential players have assumed when that window is up, a PC version of FFXVI

Ranking Every Legend Of Zelda Game

The Legend of Zelda franchise is among the most revered in gaming. Year after year, generation after generation, Nintendo’s crack team of developers releases consistently great entries that are almost always Game of the Year contenders.  For the purpose of remaining focused on the core

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