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Category Archives: Technology

Life And Death With Ikumi Nakamura

“I’m always thinking about death,” Ikumi Nakamura tells me, as we ourselves are, in fact, confronted by death. It’s late at night. There are no cars, people, or sounds to distract me. I can’t avoid what I’m seeing: a host of creatures about to be

Cover Reveal – Diablo IV

Diablo IV arrives this summer, and it’s making one last stop on the cover of Game Informer! We spoke with several of the game’s principal designers at Blizzard to learn more about the game’s endgame content, such as Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons, and provide a

Game Informer’s Top Scoring Reviews Of 2023

It’s no secret that 2023 is off to a raucous start with multiple high-scoring games hitting within the first few months of the year. This list will be your guide to every gaming experience Game Informer considers a must-play in 2023, encompassing the best games

The Skill Enablers

Nishant Chandra & Siddharth Maheshwari, 30, Co-founders, Newton School

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