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Category Archives: Technology

Puma Reveals Final Fantasy 14 Shoes

Puma has unveiled a new shoe collection inspired by the popular MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV.  The collaboration will consist of four shoes: two Puma Slipstream models and two RS-X models, as reported by Techraptor. For each model type, there’s a (Warrior of) Light version and

Every Post-Launch DLC Superstar Coming To WWE 2K23

Per tradition, WWE 2K23 will receive several post-launch DLC superstar packs that will bolster the already large roster with even more playable wrestlers. 2K has unveiled the contents of all five packs, revealing a number of top stars from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT, as well as

Cities: Skylines II Annnounced, Releasing This Year

Cities: Skylines II was announced at today’s Paradox Announcement Show, and it’s coming later this year. This follow-up builds upon its 2015 predecessor with new features, such as fully-realized transportation and economy systems. Paradox didn’t reveal too many other specifics beyond stating in a press release that

How Square Enix Approached Accessibility In Final Fantasy 16

I recently previewed Final Fantasy XVI, going hands-on with the upcoming game for roughly two hours. I learned a lot about the game, which is due out on PlayStation 5 this summer, including how developer Creative Business Unit III approached accessibility in FFXVI.  You won’t

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