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Category Archives: Technology

Axie Infinity to enter Phase 2 today after its Origin patch

Axie Infinity is set to enter a crucial phase in its development after months of delay. <Body> The Axie Infinity team announced on Thursday that it is preparing to enter Phase 2 in a matter of hours. The team revealed that it would deploy a

How Decentralized Science Can Usher in a New Paradigm of Human Progress

Decentralized Science (DeSci), much like decentralized finance (DeFi), is a recent development in the push to decentralize science principles. It’s a movement within the realm of using new technologies like blockchain and Web3 to advocate for a paradigm shift in scince. It’s adopting decentralization principles

Startup Equity Splits Are a Calculation, Not a Negotiation

One of the biggest misconceptions startup founders have is that equity ownership needs to be negotiated in advance of any work being done. This problem is easily observable if you rely on facts instead of opinions.

How to Land Your Dream Investors and Catapult You to Success

Fundraising is a crucial piece to any successful business plan, but landing investors is often a challenge, especially in today’s very competitive fundraising landscape. Keep in mind these key things as you’re starting your journey on the fundraising circuit.

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