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Doctors turn to Twitter and TikTok to share coronavirus news

Ali Raja spends his nine-hour shifts in the emergency room at Massachusetts General Hospital treating gunshot wounds, sprained ankles, heart attacks and now a growing number of coronavirus cases. But before the emergency physician steps on to his long shift and after he’s done, he’s

The rules of video conferencing at home

Many workers are taking business meetings from their living rooms or kitchens these days With a growing number of companies asking employees to work from home due to coronavirus, video conferencing has allowed workers to continue having meetings. It also satisfies the social interaction many

The Oral Systemic Connection and Longevity with Dr. Rubinov

The Oral-Systemic Connection – What the Latest Research Shows Dr. Konstantin Rubinov an NYC Dental Surgeon specializing in longevity and anti-ageing with a focus on regenerative and aesthetic medicine shares his opinion on the latest research in the Oral Systemic Connection. What is the Oral