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Cover Reveal – Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a game that has been growing and changing in continually exciting ways since its surprise launch in 2019.  Featuring a fully released game on our cover is atypical for Game Informer, but Apex Legends continues to enamor players daily, which is why

Mass Effect Cosmetics Are Coming To Destiny 2

Fans of the Mass Effect series have been clamoring for new content for years, and today, they finally got some good news – assuming they’re fans of Destiny 2, that is. In a post on X, Bungie announced that Mass Effect cosmetics would be coming

The Truth Behind Apex Legends’ Revenant Rework

Apex Legends, like all live-service titles, is no stranger to balancing updates. Weapons and playable characters alike undergo acute surges and declines based on several factors, with the most prevalent being player behavior. Years ago, Pathfinder reigned supreme across casual and competitive matches; his grapple hook-centric

Megan Thee Stallion Going on Tour This Summer

Megan Thee Stallion is going on tour this summer. During an appearance on “Good Morning America,” the rapper confirmed that she’ll be hitting the road soon in support of her forthcoming third album. “Oh, we’re having the tour this year. The Hot Girl Summer tour

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