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AC/DC’s ‘Back in Black’ Tops 1 Billion Views on YouTube

Australia’s hardest-rocking ensemble, AC/DC, is back with another entry into YouTube’s billion-views club: “Back in Black,” the group’s 1980 hit, which as of Wednesday has topped 1 billion lifetime views. The official video for “Back in Black,” first uploaded to YouTube in November 2012, marks

SpringHill Announces ‘Churchy’ Series for BET+ (EXCLUSIVE)

BET is getting the saved and sanctified treatment as Kevin Frederick’s “Churchy” is set to make its debut on the streaming service, BET+, on Feb. 15. The series follows Corey Carr Jr. (Kevin Fredericks), whose “life takes an unexpected turn when he’s bypassed for leadership

Why Apex Legends’ Solo Mode Is Never Coming Back

Remember Apex Solo? It’s okay if you don’t; it might’ve been before your time. The limited-time mode (LTM) dropped alongside Season 2’s Iron Crown Collection Event. The rules are self-explanatory: drop into a Battle Royale match all by your lonesome, with 60 legends total competing for

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