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Martin Scorsese Says WB Execs Were ‘Very Sad’ He Refused to Make ‘The Departed’ a Franchise, Spent His Own $500K to Finish ‘Aviator’ After Studios Cut Funding: ‘Extremely Mean’

Martin Scorsese revealed in an interview with GQ magazine that Warner Bros. wished to turn his Oscar winner “The Departed” into a franchise, much to his disagreement. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a Massachusetts State Police officer and Matt Damon as a Boston gang

Best New Halloween Movies and TV Shows to Watch in 2023

As Halloween creeps toward us, networks and streamers are launching their spooky programming to scare you. From new movies like the upcoming video-game adaptation “Five Nights at Freddy’s” to new reality series like the Kristen Stewart-narrated gay ghost-hunting show “Living for the Dead,” there’s something

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