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The Samba De Amigo Series Is Making A Comeback

Nintendo announced a new Samba de Amigo game today during its most recent Direct live stream. Samba de Amigo: Party Central will be released this summer. Party Central will feature 40 songs “from across the world’s most popular music genres.” Players use the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con controllers

Professor Layton And The New World Of Steam Announced For Switch

Professor Layton is making a comeback in a new adventure for Switch. Called Professor Layton and the New World of Steam, the next chapter in his saga will arrive at a yet-to-be-specified date. A brief teaser trailer shows the professor trotting through an industrial backdrop.

Disney Illusion Island Trailer Shares New Gameplay

Disney Illusion Island is the first new game starring Mickey Mouse in many years. Today’s Nintendo Direct was not the first time we’ve seen it, but we did get to see some new gameplay today, which you can check out in the trailer below. A

Update: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Costs $70

Nintendo has responded to our inquiries with the following comments. On the reasoning for the $69.99 price tag for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: “We determine the suggested retail price for any Nintendo product on a case-by-case basis.” On if this is the

Psychonauts 2’s Development Chronicled In 32-Part Documentary Series

2 Player Productions, the film crew behind the acclaimed Double Fine Adventure! series chronicling the making of Double Fine Productions’ Broken Age, has suddenly released a new documentary series following the development of Psychonauts 2. Best of all, you can watch every episode right now.  The

Dead Island 2 Is Launching A Week Early

Dead Island 2 has been in development hell for years, and the fans eagerly awaiting its launch now have one less week to do so. Dambuster Studios has announced it’s bumping the game’s release from April 28 to April 21. The news came in an announcement

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