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A Global Perspective of ESG Investing – Sumit Kumar

Sumit Kumar is a quant and investment analyst and Fintech professional working in Capital Market and Financial Technologies for the last 17 years. Currently Sumit works for THE CERES GROUP (  as Senior Director( Capital Market) leading Capital Market, Risk , Fintech, Derivatives and Quantitative

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Dr. Scottsdale® is All About the Client

Permanently changing your body is not something to be taken lightly. We see examples of celebrities who became overly obsessive about their bodies and have done changes to themselves that defy explanation. In many ways the human body is like a piece of paper: once

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Meet “Dr. Scottsdale®,” Dr. Carlos Mata

Health and fitness have never been more popular in the industrialized world. More people than ever have an obsession with living the best life they possibly can, and they spend billions each year on products to help them become as healthy as possible. People are

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