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Monthly Archives: February 2023

The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

A few years ago, I found myself 50 pounds overweight and was diagnosed with hypertension and pre-diabetes. Not exactly where I had foreseen myself going when I was younger, but middle age and its health issues creep up on you sooner or later. Back at

Tips on Being a Great Boss

No matter how much technology we develop or how advanced society becomes, one thing never changes: we need great leaders. Whether you are the CEO of a corporation or a new entrepreneur with a startup, you need to know how to lead your employees so

Tips for Your Upcoming Road Trip

Road trips are the quintessential experience. Jack Kerouac and Thelma & Louise, anyone? If you are itching to hit the open road, be it in the United States, Canada, or even Europe, get ready for a true adventure. Driving is a very different experience from

How to Make a Great Itinerary for Your Trip

Ah, vacations. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a full-blown trip to Europe, we all look forward to going somewhere – anywhere. That’s where the similarity ends, however. What constitutes a great itinerary for some people is a complete snore to others. How do you