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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Audien Hearing: Revolutionizing The Hearing Aid Industry

For years, the hearing aid industry has been dominated by a few big companies. Working with hearing centers, audiologists and sales reps, they’ve kept prices high ($4,600/pair on average) and sold big, bulky hearing aids that many seniors don’t know how to use. Now, with

Nathan Menard: New Talent on the Music Scene

Musical artist and producer Nathan Menard is a romantic in every sense of the word. “I create music that leaves you changed, invites you to dream again, and moves you to dance,” he says, drumming his fingers as we talk. Just from listening to him,

Actor and Filmmaker, Zane Hubbard is Making an Impact

Zane Hubbard is an actor, filmmaker, advocate, and storyteller. Starting out as an actor in college, he began in plays. He later became a background actor and was later featured in Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. His passion, however, lies more in the aspect of storytelling.