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Category Archives: Health

Traveling Alone This Summer? Here Are Some Tips

Is the world a safe place for solo travelers? Yes and no. The answer largely depends on how much preparation you put into the trip before traveling as well as some common sense precautions that you take once you’re out there. Whether you’re hitting Europe

5 Ways to Relieve Your Anxiety 

An anxiety attack is awful to experience, as it can feel like you are having a heart attack and can’t calm down. If you struggle with anxiety, you are not alone – millions of people in the United States have it. When symptoms hit, how

The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

A few years ago, I found myself 50 pounds overweight and was diagnosed with hypertension and pre-diabetes. Not exactly where I had foreseen myself going when I was younger, but middle age and its health issues creep up on you sooner or later. Back at

Dr. Sahil Gupta is Changing the Fertility Industry

San Jose, California – Sahil Gupta is the co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer of Oma Robotics and Oma Fertility. A physician by training, Dr. Gupta previously founded and opened Aveya, a chain of eight clinics in India and Nepal performing up to 6,000 cycles per

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Delaware’s Business Owner: A Good HVAC System Can Save Lives

Virtually every industry in the world has been greatly affected by the global changes that have occurred over the past few years. Due to a wide variety of different factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, ecological disasters like forest fires and infrastructure failures, and interruptions to