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Tips for Your Upcoming Road Trip

Road trips are the quintessential experience. Jack Kerouac and Thelma & Louise, anyone? If you are itching to hit the open road, be it in the United States, Canada, or even Europe, get ready for a true adventure. Driving is a very different experience from

How to Make a Great Itinerary for Your Trip

Ah, vacations. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a full-blown trip to Europe, we all look forward to going somewhere – anywhere. That’s where the similarity ends, however. What constitutes a great itinerary for some people is a complete snore to others. How do you

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iONE Digital Launches Rebranding Strategy for 2023

New York, NY – Urban One’s digital-first platform iONE Digital has released details of its planned brand repositioning and expansions, based upon the marked success the company has seen as far as cultural impact and advertising revenue throughout 2022. Part of the company’s brand repositioning